Saturday, February 14, 2015

Ruins of Careth Game 2 (Dungeon World)

After defeating the initial three Naga the party had a small debate about whether to explore the Naga controlled ruins to the  West. Or return toe th eastern Skaven tunnles to see if thye could perhaps negotiate to make them allies.

Guthar used commune with dead to speak with one of the Skaven killed by the Naga and received this message.
Naga took Mushroom Fields. Fields beneath ship. Only a strong leader could convince the skaven to  confront the Naga directly.
Not much to go on, but enough to convince the party to  move west deeper into the ruins.

In the mean time  The master had been unsettled, and was feeling the the land they were walking in was tainted and spoiled. He used the wall nut  received from the spirit f the earth  to purify the area, and confirm his suspicions.

The party found strange runes scrawled on the debris with in the  ruins, which  were determined to mean they were near some kind of hatching ground.

The party was confronted by a pack of  Dire rats , which Johann cleverly distracted with rations as the  rest of the party  moved past. (random encounter)

A rough wooden gate made of lashed timbers was found blocking their path.
Willhelm almost fell into a pit trap which also summoned a naga guard.
The rest of the party hauled Willhelm out of the  pit then confronted the guard.
The master turned into an eagle to swoop in and  retrieve Willhelm's dropped hammer from the pit.
The naga guard smacked Guthar in the  face with a bag containing three 6 foot long centipedes. Guthar took a bite on the  face on the face, while the other giant centipedes scurried towards Willhem.

the master still as an eagle  snatched up centipedes and ripped them apart with  beak and talon.

Once engaged the Naga guard was quickly dispatched,

Willhem  dismantled the  wooden gate and  the  party proceeded.

They arrived at a Naga hatching ground, one of the rare areas where the sun warms the sandy ground enough to  incubate eggs.

Crossed this field of egg mounds are the remains of a large building with the walls mostly blown out and  a smashed ship crashed through the  roof.

The Master who has by this point figured that NAga are simply not  natural , starts smashing eggs and flinging naga fetuses around.
Understandably this pisses off the nagas in the nearby building and four of them come  rushing to defend the egg clutches.

Johann casts an illusion to make a pit appear before them, every one buys it, even Willhelm can not  bring himself to step over the  well crafted illusion.
One of the Naga throw a spear but miss, the other begins casting a spell , but gets interrupted by Guthar casting a light spell on its face.

The three naga stymied begin to fall back to  regroup, until the Master brazenly throws and egg at which point the  naga with the light spell on his face goes bezerk and  does every thing in it's power to kill the Master. After a bloody fight the naga's are dead or route back to the nearby building.

the Master turns into a small snake and  follows the routed Naga into the  building, the rest of the  party climbs the  ruined exterior to examine the crashed boat.

The Master finds:

  • The three Naga that ran waiting for an ambush.
  • He goes lower into the ruins
  • Finds a the  bow section of the crashed ship and a cave  
  • the bow is destroyed ripped to pieces.
  • Several gnome skeletons are lashed to the ship with nooses, they have been here a long time.
  • A ancient and strange apparatus ripped from the hull of the  ship, like a rune scrawled anvil with  several pipes coming out of it and rotted chair attached.
  • A cave of giant mushrooms the naga harvest to feed skaven slaves they are making  dig in the ruins.
  • Many more naga.
  • One much larger naga with wings and several other snake heads growing from it's head, Medusa style.

The rest of the party finds:

  • The stern of the  ship where ti crashed through the  building .
  • Many dad gnome skeletons lashed to the   ship by nooses.
  • A Naga guard they defeat.
  • A sleeping Naga they defeat.
  • Many  brass pipes that match the brass pieces Johann had found before.
  • The  whole interior of the ship is gnome scale and glows slightly. (like a room where someone left an old TV on.)
  • A sleeping Naga, which Willhelm smashed the brains out of.
  • They found a lacquer box with a strange set of gloves made of leather and  having red chain mail backing. (Johann)

The master turns into a bat and flys upward to join the  party.

As a group they find:

  • Several Skaven corpses the  Naga have been feeding on, raw.
  • The desiccated corpse of a strange creature that matches the  skeleton that was found so many months ago in the  temple under the pond at Boyer's farm.
  • A strange glowing blue light about the size of a lantern light that hovers in the air, and seems to exert it's own small gravitational field.

The party is now in the  belly of the  ship just aft of the ruined bow.
The naga know they are around, the  original three retreating Naga have reported their presence to the leader.
No place to hide at the moment.
No chance to rest at the moment.
They  must decide to move forward deeper into the naga cave or retreat and regroup.