Guthar has the changing task of managing the crew of the Sloop.
Mateao will do what he can when Guthar is off meditating but at the end of the day only Guthar is the master of the crew.
Guthar can hire and fire as he sees fit.
Changes people jobs on board.
Give assignments during game day and in between game days.
Mostly though he will responsible for keeping the crew happy and getting them what they need so that they can perform.
A bit about crew:
The crew members are each rated from -5 the worst, through +/- 0 an average, up to +5 the best. These modifiers will be used for any rolls made for the crew during sailing activities.
Sailors will have skills and Guthar can tell sailors to train for particular skills.
Each sailor will have a morale which is a lose measure of their current mood and loyalty to the ship and crew. morale will work like a passive score that can be tested, Ie: if I make a morale-check in battle and I roll higher than the crew embers morale then that crew member will break under the pressure in one way or another.
So here is the crew as it stands:
Optimal compliment is 20 sailors.
Current compliment is 15 sailors.
Experienced crew leader
Roll Recruiter, Trainer.
Cost: Mateo Takes a cut.
Level 3 rouge.
- Masni: +3
- Younger man, smarmy, comes off as untrustworthy but has done nothing.
- Morale: Fair 14
- Carpentry and repairs.
- Roll: Boatswain (replacing Willhelm)
- Cost: 5 gp per month
- Leo furgrim: +4
- older .. Grey-beard
- Morale: Satisfied 15
- Cook, provisioner.
- Concern: Feels the galley and storage area is inadequate for a crew of 20.
- Cost: 8 gp per month
- Kendas: -1
- Young, strong, bright, brutish.
- Morale: impatient 12
- Role: Young Sailor seen as one with some potential. Wants action.
- Cost: 1 gp per month
- Sung-paul: +4 From land of Min professional ocean sailor
- Roll: Rigger
- Satisfied 15
- Cost: 8 gp per month
- Leysan: -1
- young, strong, not bright.
- Morale: Ecstatic! 19
- Role: sailor.
- Cost: 2 gp per month
- Ric-paul: +2
- Mid aged, Intelligent.
- Morale: Fair 14, Motivated by money.
- Roll Sailor
- Cost: 2 gp per month
- Kendon: 0
- Young inexperienced but a good mind for the sea,
- Morale: Satisfied 15
- Roll Sailor
- Cost: 2 gp per month
- Arddas: + 4 experienced Ocean sailor.
- Hard, unforgiving, has seen some shit.
- Morale: Fair 13
- Roll: Mate
- Concerns: The ship will need new sails sooner than latter, a set of extras would be nice.
- Cost: 5 gp per month
- Frea'o: 0
- Middle geed adventure.
- Morale: Scared 9
- Roll sailor
- Concerns, not sure what he got himself into.
- Cost: 2 gp per month
- Ria: +5
- Female, Tall, Strong, flintlock Pistols, Not afraid, experienced ships gunner.
- Morale: Loyal 18
- Roll Master gunner.
- Concerns: There are no guns on the sloop. She suggests mounting no more than 9 pound guns below decks due to the sloops weak superstructure and no more than 4 due to space constraints. She says up to a 12 pound piece could be mounted to the fore above decks.
- Cost: 10 gp per month
- Dryt: -3
- Typical dock rat.
- Morale: Getting paid 12
- Roll Swabby
- Cost: 1 gp per month
- Dracy: -3
- Another typical sailor for hire, has experience on merchant vessels, could be better but he's lazy.
- Morale: Also Getting paid, but not enough to get hurt 9
- Roll Swabby
- Cost: 1 gp per month
- Burniel: -1
- Experienced and world worn, well beyond his prime.
- Morale steady 12
- Roll sailor
- Cost: 1 gp per month
- Kip Hudson: 0
- Mysteriously turned up like a bad penny.
- Morale: Speacial
- Roll: sailor
- Cost: 1 gp per month
- Tinely: -1
- Not much of a sailor but he loves to fight.
- Morale: 12 on a normal day 15 if fighting
- Roll Sailor
- Level 1 warrior.
- Cost: 2 gp per month
- Ethelda: +3
- female. Youthful but strong and willing to work, naturally good at sailing.
- Morale Satisfied 16
- Works the Rigging as Mate to the Boatswain.
- Concerns: Wants to kill Dracy and Dryt just because they are useless. Tinely keeps hitting on her and she's not interested.
- Cost: 5 gp per month
Total monthly crew cost:
Salary: 53 Gp Per month
Salary: 53 Gp Per month
Food: 30 Gp Per month
Total: 83 Gp per month.
The expensive positions are covered by the player characters.
The Master acts as the ships navigator / Sailing Master.
The Master acts as the ships navigator / Sailing Master.
Guthar acts as the quartermaster dealing with the crew.
Johann is captain.
The crew still Needs:
5 more basic sailors.
5 more basic sailors.
If guns are added some of them will have to be trained by Rea as Powder monkey's.
There it is everything you ever wanted to know about your crew and more.... much more.