Monday, October 26, 2015

10/23/15 Return to Careth.

The Party, after off-ing the scouts that were tailing them, decide to go back into the ruins and attempt to retrieve the  boiler from the  crashed Gnome airship.
One problem.
The  ruins thanks to the Master are known basicly a waist high grass, moss ridden, vine, and tree, covered rain forest. Not to mention  a group of rather ticked off Skaven setting up a refugee camp right in front of the building they need to return to.

The trip back to the location of the crashed ship was largely uneventful. After making some plans and resupplying the group led by The Master traversed the  difficult terrain. They did  (random encounter) stir up a very large snake that served as an example to the  group that it was not only the plants of the  area that were affected by the  masters release of earth magic back into the land, but some of the fauna as well.

Snake taken care of they moved on to the meet of the problem.

How to get past a bunch of Skaven and steal a rather heavy object.

For the  record it was determined that the  glowing blue ball that was found by the  party and could only be manipulated by someone wearing the  red gloves also found on the  gnome ship, was in fact a magical ballast.

The ballast acts like a gyroscope that will not allow a flying ships boiler to tip over once it is installed. The superstructure of the ship is then built around the  boiler and from then on the  ship is steady in the air. The effect of this ballast would also make the boiler slightly lighter, while not making it weigh less.

The plan became:

  • Johann will Turn Guthar and wilhelm invisible.
  • The master will turn into a small nondescript animal (mouse.)
  • The  orb will be given to one of the invisible party members.
  • Johann being a small gnome will hide in the weeds and distract the skaven using what else, fireballs.
  • The others will sneak in, place the  orb and  get the hell out, with  the  master acting as guide and scout.
Easy peasy..
All went as planned with the  skaven including the  chief due to some  good holding off getting caught in the  fire balls.
The Skaven chief's mace broke open  revealing that it contained a  massive horde of rats, which only added to the chaos.
Several tents were set on fire.
A large cooking pot was toppled scalding a few scaven onlookers.

During this fracas Johann used the  high grass for cover to sneak to the other side of the compound.
Once the  boiler was secured, and the orb placed the  party came to a sudden conclusion.
"We can't move this thing without being seen."

Still invisible Willhelm and Guthar started pushing on the  boiler. As expected moving the large object it attracted the attention of the few Skaven guards who had remained inside. Willhem choose the road of dwarven diplomacy. He moved behind one of the skaven and  while invisible hit him in the  back of the  head with his warhammer, pushing the  back of the skavens skull to the front of the skavens face. Guthar who had remained invisible tried to make spooky  ghost noises but clearly the skaven were not having it. Now visible the gig was truly up. A quick fight ensued. The master having seen enough turned into a bear and the group quickly dispatched or dispersed the small group of very suprised skaven.

With that the party lashed the  boiler to the bear (the master) and using the brawn of the bear and Wilhelm's help they bolted for the doors. Having decided to  make a beeline towards the nearest large creek, the group was betting that the fires would keep the skaven totally at bay. The were wrong and a merry chase soon ensued.

The party made excellent time with the Master picking a good path and (still in bear form) doing the majority of the pulling. As fast as they were they were still soon set upon by the skaven As the party reached the water, groups of skaven started crashing through the  underbrush and attacking. Willhelm and the  master took the fore and attempted to hold back the  skaven while  Guthar and  Johann lashed together a crude raft to float the boiler way. It was a pitched battle with more skaven flooding the scene every minute.
Finally  Johann and Guthar were ready for launch but failed due to the weight of the boiler! It was not until the Willehlm and the bear *  lent their strength to the task that the  rafted was pushed into deep enough water to float away.

Just as more skaven jumped from the trees, Guthar unleashed the full power of his god Thodin killing several skaven and pushing back the host. The skaven horde was stopped just long enough for the party to cling the raft and float away.

Now the group has the plans for and the boiler from an ancient Gnomish airship. In time I' m sure they will begin reconstructing the vessel.

The story continues....

* "Wilhelm and the  Bear" should be the title of a podcast.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Older game synopsis (first 7 games)

Here are links to the  older game synopsis.
Games from 8/21/13 to 1/14/14

Game 1

Game 2

Game 3

Game 4

Game 5

Game 6

Game 7

Ruins of Careth Final.

Our band of  adventures covered a lot of ground in our last game concerning the ruins of Careth.
I am going to list things that I remember in  bullet point format. It's been awhile since we actually played and I am 100% certain I'm forgetting some things.

  • Johann thoroughly explored the wrecked ship and determined it to be an old Gnome sky ship. He also managed to decipher some of the plans found with the ship, and to determine the strange glowing ball in the center of the  ship was a Gnomish "Gravity Ballast" that keeps a sky ship level in the air. Another Point that he discovered is that the  sky ship boilers had crashed out through the stern and were laying on the dirt in the Naga lair. The  boilers are sensitive and complicated gnomish inventions and an integral part of the  old ship. IF the players had any designs about salvaging the ship , that's their best start.
  • The  red leather gloves that Were found in the ship are needed to move the gravity ballast.
  • The  chamber that the Naga were using slaves to dig into contained a circular ritual sight with a
    vaulted ceiling surrounded by four large stelle that glowed a brown light  much like the  magical stones The master has been seeking.
  • The master decided to use the  nut he was granted by the  last high druid and planted it in the middle of the  stones. The nut seemed to use the  earth magic in the Stele
  • A great tree erupted from the  ground in the ritual sight, and vegetation began to spread in all directions. The vegetation threatened to trap the party (not the druid) with strangling vines if they did not attempt an escape. The group fled back the way they came, but not before the Master retrieved the mystical Walnut used to start the  process. 
  • When the party emerged back into the open air outside the wrecked ship, the ruins of Careth was undergoing a transformation from a shattered shell of a city  to a verdant forest complete with massive trees, flowing springs and vines in every crevasse.
  • The Skaven population was for it's part was being displaced by all this new growth and  not exactly pleased about it.
  • After speaking with the Skaven chieftain, the party was basically told "you freed some of our
    people from the naga, good.
    You destroyed our home with your wretched plant magic, Bad." 
  • Wilhelm asked the chief if he had ever seen the symbol emblazoned on the amulet given to him by Calvin Winchester's son. The chief said yes that it had been seen deeper in the ruins. They were told they would be given guide through the ruins to the location and allowed to leave in peace, if they promised not to return.
  • The  guide set them on their way and showed them about 3/4ths of the way there before abandoning the party to their on device.
  • After entering  (Via sick waterslide) the subterranean grottos and pools of this now swampy
    ruin the  party was set upon by a corruption golem , created by all of the corruption of the  ruins being pushed and  condensed by the druidic magic that was unleashed by the master.
  • After defeating the beast they moved further into the subterranean area until they found the location of an importer who used the same symbol as the one on Wilhelms amulet.
  • A down trodden Wilhelm considered the possibility that this might be a dead end, and a major roadblock in his quest to find who is responsible for taking his hand.
  • The Party journeyed out of the  ruins and headed back to  Traders Leap.
  • Along the way they caught word that there were men in traders leap asking questions about them. (I don't remember how you found this out? Guys?)
  • The party did not go back to Traders Leap  right away they scouted for the people training them and eventually go t the drop on them in the  trackers camp.
  • With the help of an illusionary Rehmoraz and some deadly cold steel the group quickly (surprisingly so) dispatched the  group. 
  • After some examination the  group determined that the scouts were working for Varul who is still trying to get the key back from the  master and seems determined to put resources towards doing it.
If I missed anything let me know!