Friday, March 6, 2020

Captain Rik of Torin Log – Game day 1/12/2020

Holbeck – The dwarves have reopened the mines for limestone. Business is good. The town is prospering. Wilhelm has taken over operations. His charisma and dwarven knowledge have helped turn profit for the first quarter. The first level of the mine is still producing stone. The smaller stone has been being used for the town. 

Treasure in the Mountains
We discuss the possibilities of treasure in the Iron Spire mountains. It is a three-day trip by the Inferno. We all deiced that it would be a good idea and as you know we are not farmers. So, adventuring we will go. We set off on a beautiful mid-summer morning. Mateo tells us he can get us there but it will not be easy. Contrary to what Mateo has told us we made it to the mountains with no issues. In the distance we can see a stone tower carved right into the mountains. Hundred steps climb up the tower. The ships dropped us off on the very top of the tower. The top the tower is covered with snow. We all get to the top safely. We bring Kendon, Frea’o and Drit from the ship’s crew with us. Guthar looked for a trap door or some sort of way off the top of this cold tower. A door is found. Using the ship Guthar and Reggie tie a rope to the ring and the other to the ship. The door pops open with a tremendous snap. Mateo leaves and searches the area for the old ship wreck he told us about earlier. We climb down and descend into the darkness. Guthar sheds some light to help us out. The first thing we see is a cauldron filled with glass along with some kind of winch system. I went down to the next level while Reggie and the rest of the group mess with the winch. I see on the next level glass shards all over like it had been spilled. The winch is connected to a platform that goes up and down. Reggie and Guthar followed me down to the next level. Reggie sees a door to the side and kicks it in. Inside we discover an old mill. It looks like someone has been buying sand and milling it down to finer sand. In the room Guthar found vials of sand from all over Aleria. He pocketed the Torin sand. Why would he do that? We head down to the next level and see that platform is still continuing down. We find another room. It is a bunk room and larger bedroom. Guthar find some sort of plans for the device. Nothing else is found. This is a real riddle with no easy answer. We come to the end of the platform and have the idea of something not so smart. We use all our rope to climb down to the bottom of this giant hole that has been dug out of this mountain. Somehow, and I still to this day do not know how we all made it safe to the floor of the cold wet cave. At the bottom we see a still pool of water, discarded glass spheres and a chest. I run over to the chest. It is locked but not well. I pick the lock with ease. Inside is a velvet lined cradle with two perfect sphers inside. The chest can hold three. One of the spots are empty. Kendon and Frea’O carry the chest for me. Its an order but we needed to give up that glowing coin. Guthar felt some fresh air coming from behind a wall. I found the hidden latch and pulled it. The door opened up tot a passage. We followed the passage for a while until we came to a fork. The left side loos as if it was once gated. The gate has been destroyed and laying on the ground and the wall of the cave. We decide that the right way is the way to go. Reggie feels that the air is fresher in that direction. Must be a trick he learned from an old wizard. He also notices that there are footprints that look strange on the ground. Guthar hears footsteps. Guthar asks Frea’O to check it out. He begrudgingly goes forth to find out what it is. Within seconds we hear his scream in horror and then nothing. We then spring to action to check out the danger. As we come across the corner, we can see the end of the cave leading outside. We also see two horrible vicious looking monsters. Two of these creatures are in the corner of the cave. After some research I have now found out the is called a Hook Horror. After a brutal battle we came out victorious in the end as Guthar hit it with a killing blow. Frea’o is gone. Lost in the darkness. Parts of the cave have fallen in on itself. We clear the rubble away. I told the guys to bring the chest to the end of the cave outside and set up camp. We will signal Mateo to come pick us up. What happened to Frea’o? I thought to myself. I do not think they wanted to but Reggie and Guthar followed me back in to find Frea’o. We followed his footsteps back and see he went onto the gated area that was broken. We follow his steps farther into the cave and see a worse looking giant monster feasting on Frea’o dead lifeless body. I do not remember much of the fight but I remember stabbing its eyes…a lot. Reggie hit it with a mighty blow killing it in the darkness. We find a bunch of treasure in the piles in the lair. We return to the ship and get a report from Mateo. 

Treasure found:
Fine Cape – 200gp
3 platinum pieces – 3k gp
Cameo Ruby brooch – 30k gp
A helm of reading – fragile shiny looking crown.

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